The AAP’s experiences (Tajrobehaye AAPi)

  • mircosite design / content marketing / social media / advertising reportage / digital media plannig and buying
  • Asan Pardakht Persian
  • spring 2015

Campaign goals

One of the main and primary services of “AAP” is Electronic Payment Services in the USSD basis. Asan Pardakht also was introducing its new mobile application by the time of Advertising Idea Formation. This new application provided internet based services of USSD, *733# . Campaign wanted to raise awareness among the younger generation, their main audiences, about the services which “AAP” provides.

What was the challenge?

The list of AAP’s services has consisted of different things:

Buying charge for mobile phones directly or by using code, sending charge to other Sim cards, checking bank card balance, paying bills for services, inquiries and payment of mobile phone bills, using USSD payment solution for buying goods from stores and shops , helping charities and etc.

“AAP” application also provides all these services, furthermore it has a specific service of getting free grant which needed to be introduced specifically to audiences. Some services also required some trainings for instance, for checking bank card balance clients should have the second code of their cards.

The next challenge was that “AAP” had no record of the integrated activities in digital marketing which should be considered in designing the campaign.

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We need to make sure that trainings are practical enough and “AAP” audiences would receive them fully and correctly. On the other hand, young people were the main audience of the campaign and they often do not learn anything, unless they have sufficient reason and emotion. Considering all these cases, we generate the idea of The AAP’s experiences campaign.

We all like to spend more time on taking care of our concerns and interests but for some reasons such as traffic, waiting time in crowded bank, and etc. it rarely happens. Using the app “AAP” or dialing the code * 733 # we can easily do such daily chores and instead focus on creating lovely experiences. Happy experiences such as a family or friends gathering. Use AAP and capture fun experiences you created, describe the experience and publish it with the hashtag #APUX on Instagram.

The AAP’s experiences campaign was held in two courses each in one month, March and April 2015.

Executive steps

(you can see the executive steps of the campaign in pictures at the bottom of this page)

  • Designing a microsite for the campaign
  • This microsite was dedicated to serving two specific goals: build a good landing page and develop an official database of the campaign. One of the technical features of this microsite is its modern look with the principles of visual arts and responsive design to provide the best displays in every devices such as desktop, tablets or mobiles. We can also mention its very safe and utilized code as a microsite’s technical features.
  • Creating and managing the account of “Asan pasdakht” on Instagram and social networks
  • Advertising and promoting the campaign on social network
  • Designing and making an effective and user-friendly content in the form of a comic strip, image, or article
  • Designing advertising banner to show on popular sites and mobile applications and Writing advertorials for publication in popular sites and negotiate with the owners of these sites to publish advertorials
  • Graphic design for newspapers and magazines and shopping place
  • Making and broadcasting TV ads


(Regardless of television and print commercials)

  • Number of impressions: more than 500 thousands
  • Attracting 5 thousands of new followers on Asan-Pardakht’s Instagram account
  • More than 3000 photos engaged in the competition


services provided for this project

Badkoobeh and Asan Pardakht Persian

By clicking on the link below you can view all the details about Badkoobeh and Asan Pardakht Persian collaboration.

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