Famila fahrenheit

  • TV Commercial / Billboard
  • Famila
  • summer 2015

One of the distinctive features of Famylas Farenhaiet frying oil which makes ‎it unique to other frying oil brands, is its resistants’ to high tempters. The ‎purpose of this project to introduce and increase awareness of this brand ‎to public and our viewers.‎
High resistance of this oil to heat, results in faster and healthier cooking, ‎spending less time in the kitchen and Food tastes great. Baring this in mind ‎a campaign has been designed with the motto of “less time in kitchen ‎and more time with family”, which focuses on successful ambiguity under ‎the name of this brand and valuable family quality time. This ad begins ‎with the famous music theme of the movie “a space odyssey “which is the ‎reminder of creation and is followed out bursting of this product.‎
The features of this ad if to picture, enjoyment of fast cooking and having ‎more quality time with family alongside with continues effective music.‎
Following this campaign and ideas of cooking in short time, the Skillful ‎cook” was made and broadcast by Badkoobeh advertising company.‎
Purpose of this project”‎
Introduction of Famylas’ new product under the name Famyla Fahrenheit.‎


services provided for this project

Badkoobeh and Famila

By clicking on the link below you can view all the details about Badkoobeh and Famila collaboration.

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